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The Search Committee

We can't wait to welcome our new priest!

The Search Committee meets bi-weekly to discuss the search process. We welcome questions and concerns (and prayers!). Look for regular updates in the i-Announcements and on this page.


The Church of the Holy Family in Park Forest is now receiving names for the position of rector. The racially and ethnically diverse south-suburban congregation is blessed to pull members from 14 neighboring communities. While the congregation follows a more traditional liturgical style, contemporary music and prayer are woven into worship and Christian formation. While currently only offering one Sunday morning service in a hybrid format, prior to the pandemic a Saturday evening service and an earlier Sunday service were also offered. A devoted group of members also meet each weekday evening via Zoom for Evening Prayer. During worship, there are roles for every person as the service is led together by the priest, deacon, acolytes, altar guild, prayer leaders and musicians. Children are welcome during church, and there are opportunities for a children’s sermon, a special place in the nave for children to congregate during worship, and formation for children is offered. For adults, weeknight group study is offered and hybrid formation will continue to be offered even post-pandemic.

The village of Park Forest, originally designed for service members returning from World War II, is racially and socio-economically diverse. Park Forest is home to several arts venues, including the Illinois Theatre Center, and is the headquarters of the Illinois Philharmonic Orchestra. There is a 90-acre wetlands area, part of the local parks department, and a nature center. The library system holds community events for all ages. The church building itself is a point of pride for the congregation, and boasts beautiful garden space, a columbarium, and plenty of space for outdoor events and worship.

Members of Holy Family are looking for a priest who will be a leader and prioritize re-establishing the music program at the church. The next rector of Holy Family should bring fresh ideas for demonstrating a clear vision for spiritual life and worship, work with members to build relationships in the broader community, strengthen the pastoral care and parish ministries, and also work collaboratively with staff and lay leaders. Visit the Clergy Openings page on the Diocese of Chicago website to download the Parish Profile and view the OTM. To apply, please fill out the clergy form for transitions.


While we understand that all members feel like we have been in a state of transition more often than ever before, we were grateful to hear from Father Millikin that churches can now expect a 5-7 year commitment from a priest before they move on. However, as a "family," we will use our findings from that CAT survey and the Small Group meetings to figure out our needs and what we want for our future.

Please, if you have any questions or concerns, reach out to a member of the Search Committee. This is a long process, but we want for all of us to get through it stronger and better able to welcome our future priest. 

Thank you,

Your Search Committee

Charles Clayton

McAllister Cox

Emmanuel Imoukhuede

Melissa Jacobsen (Co-Chair)

Caroline Lippert

Lisa Meredith (Co-Chair)

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